MBE's in the Nati - MBE's in the Nati

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Thursday, August 04, 2005 

Affirmative action means to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment the same, without regard to their race. That means this 2005 is the 40th year from when America recognized that since 1565 African Americans needed to have past wrongs addressed. In 1565 the colony of Saint Augustine in Florida became the first permanent settlement in North America and included a number of African slaves.


Cincinnati Change is a not for profit organization that believes African American businesses have the same right.

Cincinnati Change will work with those businesses, organizations and public officials (current and future) who will work with us to make this change happen in the Nati

About me

  • I'm Cincinnati Change
  • From Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
  • CINCINNATI CHANGE believes in mixed-use development whereas the poor and moderate income people, in der Nati, will be able to use their assets so as to have a great quality of life for themselves, their family and their children and their children's children along with ours.
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